Arts & Entertainment  September 15, 2014

Nonprofit buys office building for $2.5 million

BOULDER – The Bridge House, a nonprofit based in Boulder that provides services to the homeless and the working poor, has purchased a two-story office building at 4747 Table Mesa Road in Boulder for $2,525,000.

Bridge House plans to retrofit the 14,423-square-foot building to create living space, a dining area, common space, computer lab and garden.

Bridge House is paying for the renovation and building purchase through affordable housing grants from the city of Boulder and the state, plus donations through fundraising efforts.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The building, constructed in 1984, was last occupied by American Family Insurance and Flatirons Solutions.

Jason Kruse, principal and managing broker of The Colorado Group Inc., was one of the five investors who sold the building and represented the group in the transaction. Scott Smith and Wade Arnold of The Colorado Group represented Bridge House.


BOULDER – The Bridge House, a nonprofit based in Boulder that provides services to the homeless and the working poor, has purchased a two-story office building at 4747 Table Mesa Road in Boulder for $2,525,000.

Bridge House plans to retrofit the 14,423-square-foot building to create living space, a dining area, common space, computer lab and garden.

Bridge House is paying for the renovation and building purchase through affordable housing grants from the city of Boulder and the state, plus donations through fundraising efforts.

The building, constructed in 1984, was last occupied by American Family Insurance and Flatirons Solutions.

Jason Kruse, principal and managing broker…

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