January 10, 2014

Nissan Boulder unveils faster e-car charger

BOULDER – Boulder Nissan is hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, Jan. 16 to unveil a 480-volt DC fast-charging station, which will be able to give local electric-vehicle drivers of any brand car an 80 percent charge in about 30 minutes.

According to plugshare.com, a website that maps EV charging stations, Boulder Nissan’s new station is one of just five fast-charge stations along the Front Range. Nissan dealerships in Aurora and Fort Collins also have them, and there are two others in Fort Collins as well.

The ribbon cutting is at 9:30 a.m. at Boulder Nissan, 2285 28th St.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Boulder Nissan has three 240-volt stations that are free of charge to the public. But those, like most charging stations in Colorado, can take two to three hours to give the 80 percent charge, said Boulder Nissan sales associate Nigel Zeid. Boulder Nissan’s new 480-volt charger will be free to the public for a few months to help draw interest. After that, depending on the impact it has on the dealership’s electric bill, there might be a nominal charge.

“We’re not going to charge an exorbitant amount for it,” Zeid said.

Zeid said the idea of making the chargers available to drivers of any brand of electric vehicles is obviously to help Nissan sell cars, but also to help drive the EV industry in general.

“It’s not just about us,” Zeid said. “It’s for whoever has an electric car so they don’t have to freak out about running out of power anywhere, and they can (charge) fast.”

Zeid said more and more fast-charging stations would likely be sprouting up in the metro area in the coming year.

He said the new stations like the one at Boulder Nissan can run about $25,000. But he said corporate Nissan footed most of the bill for this one and donated it to Boulder Nissan.

“It’s just such a no-brainer to have one because if you don’t build this infrastructure you can’t build as many cars,” Zeid said.


BOULDER – Boulder Nissan is hosting a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Thursday, Jan. 16 to unveil a 480-volt DC fast-charging station, which will be able to give local electric-vehicle drivers of any brand car an 80 percent charge in about 30 minutes.

According to plugshare.com, a website that maps EV charging stations, Boulder Nissan’s new station is one of just five fast-charge stations along the Front Range. Nissan dealerships in Aurora and Fort Collins also have them, and there are two others in Fort Collins as well.

The ribbon cutting is at 9:30 a.m. at Boulder Nissan, 2285 28th St.


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