October 25, 2012

New Belgium’s Clips of Faith raises nearly $118K

FORT COLLINS — Clips of Faith, a traveling beer and film festival sponsored by New Belgium Brewing, raised $117,656 for nonprofits in the cities it visited, nearly double last year’s take.

In its third year, the festival brought amateur short films and beers from New Belgium’s Lips of Faith line to 18 cities nationwide. All proceeds from beer sales at the events held went to local, sustainably-focused nonprofits.

New Belgium did not hold the festival in Fort Collins this year because the company wants to use its resources to bring Clips of Faith to other cities that don’t have easy access to New Belgium’s products.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

In June, the tour made its only Colorado stop in Boulder, where it raised $10,421 for local nonprofits, serving beer to about 1,600 people.

The grand total raised is a large jump from last year’s. In 2011, Clips of Faith raised $59,000.

FORT COLLINS — Clips of Faith, a traveling beer and film festival sponsored by New Belgium Brewing, raised $117,656 for nonprofits in the cities it visited, nearly double last year’s take.

In its third year, the festival brought amateur short films and beers from New Belgium’s Lips of Faith line to 18 cities nationwide. All proceeds from beer sales at the events held went to local, sustainably-focused nonprofits.

New Belgium did not hold the festival in Fort Collins this year because the company wants to use its resources to bring Clips of Faith to other cities that don’t have easy access to…

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