Real Estate & Construction  May 24, 2016

Murphy Oil advancing plans for Longmont gas station at junction of 66, 287

LONGMONT — Arkansas-based Murphy Oil USA Inc. is moving forward with plans to construct a convenience store and gas station at the southwest corner of U.S. Highway 287 and Colorado Highway 66 in Longmont, replacing the existing Silco convenience store and Conoco gas pumps.

Murphy Oil plans to demolish the existing convenience store and a former liquor store, and remove eight Conoco gas pumps operated by Silco Oil of Denver on two properties totaling 1.4 acres owned by J Bowers Stable Inc. and JBB Properties LLC.

Murphy Oil wants to install 16 new pumps and associated underground gas tanks for its Murphy Express fueling station and construct a 1,200-square-foot convenience store. It plans to lease the property, according to city documents. Plans are in the development review stage.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The southwest corner of the new Murphy Express lot will be approximately 58 feet from the northeast corner of the future Crisman Apartments on Crisman Drive. The Longmont planning commission voted 6-1 in January to grant Murphy Oil a 442-foot variance to its 500-foot standard separating residential from commercial, and also approved a variance to the city’s standard that prohibits outdoor businesses near residential areas from operating between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m., two variances needed to advance the project.

Murphy Express will operate the fueling station 24-hours a day as had been done by Silco and Conoco’s operation. City documents indicate that Silco would have been required to file for a distance variance once the apartments were constructed.

Murphy Oil plans to plant trees and shrubs in the southwest corner of the site that will screen car lights, and it will construct a low screening wall adjacent to the parking stalls.

Murphy Oil will close the existing right in/right out access off of Highway 66 with the development of the Murphy Express and create a new right in/right out access 370 feet to the west. The new access is consistent with the city’s preferences, according to city documents.

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