December 6, 2012

Mercedes-Benz coming to Loveland in spring

LOVELAND — A Mercedes-Benz dealership in the Motorplex at Centerra will likely open in early 2013.

A corporation associated with Mercedes-Benz of Westminster purchased a six-acre property at 4040 Byrd Drive for $3.5 million in June.

The property is being renovated in anticipation of the opening, according to sources within McWhinney, the developer behind Centerra.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The status of the renovations and an exact opening date are not yet known.

Kevin Steward, general manager of Westminster Mercedes-Benz, will also oversee the Loveland location. Steward could not be reached for comment.

LOVELAND — A Mercedes-Benz dealership in the Motorplex at Centerra will likely open in early 2013.

A corporation associated with Mercedes-Benz of Westminster purchased a six-acre property at 4040 Byrd Drive for $3.5 million in June.

The property is being renovated in anticipation of the opening, according to sources within McWhinney, the developer behind Centerra.

The status of the renovations and an exact opening date are not yet known.

Kevin Steward, general manager of Westminster Mercedes-Benz, will also oversee the Loveland location. Steward could not be reached for comment.

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