Arts & Entertainment  January 30, 2015

Mental Health Partners renames wellness center for retiring CEO

BOULDER — Mental Health Partners announced on Thursday that its Wellness Center at 1000 Alpine Ave. in Boulder is being named the Ryan Wellness Center to honor outgoing chief executive Barbara Ryan for “here transformational leadership, vision and significant achievements.”

Ryan was recognized at a retirement ceremony after leading MHP since 2004.

MHP announced last month that Kelly Phillips-Henry had been hired to replace Ryan.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

MHP officials noted that during Ryan’s tenure the organization had more than doubled the number of people receiving services and expanded community partnerships in Boulder and Broomfield counties. She also oversaw the expansion of MHP’s workforce to nearly 600 employees, and grew MHP’s annual budget from $24 million to $41 million.

“As a healthcare destination, the Ryan Wellness Center is a tangible expression of Barbara Ryan’s vision for fully integrated health care designed to support each individual’s path of recovery to health and well-being,” MHP board chairwoman Nicole Collins said.

Mental Health Partners was formed in 1962 and provides mental-health and wellness services to more than 18,000 individuals and families in Boulder and Broomfield counties regardless of their ability to pay. The organization has multiple operating locations in Boulder, Broomfield and Longmont.

BOULDER — Mental Health Partners announced on Thursday that its Wellness Center at 1000 Alpine Ave. in Boulder is being named the Ryan Wellness Center to honor outgoing chief executive Barbara Ryan for “here transformational leadership, vision and significant achievements.”

Ryan was recognized at a retirement ceremony after leading MHP since 2004.

MHP announced last month that Kelly Phillips-Henry had been hired to replace Ryan.

MHP officials noted that during Ryan’s tenure the organization had more than doubled the number of people receiving services and expanded community partnerships in Boulder and Broomfield counties. She also oversaw the expansion of MHP’s…

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