Education  August 22, 2014

MasterDrive moves operations to Fort Collins

FORT COLLINS – MasterDrive of Northern Colorado has moved its regional operations to Fort Collins from Loveland, consolidating into one location at the former Fort Collins Downtown Airport.

MasterDrive, which teaches teen and fleet driving classes as well as remedial driver training, moved its operations to the terminal at the former airport. It also will hold its driving classroom sessions and skills training.

Ron Langford, CEO of MasterDrive, founded the company in 1986. MasterDrive employs about a dozen people in Fort Collins and a total of about 150 statewide. The company also has offices in Colorado Springs  and Denver.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

In Northern Colorado, MasterDrive formerly had two locations, one at 5609 Goldco Drive in Loveland and the other at the former airport.

“The primary thing is having everything in a centralized location,” he said.

FORT COLLINS – MasterDrive of Northern Colorado has moved its regional operations to Fort Collins from Loveland, consolidating into one location at the former Fort Collins Downtown Airport.

MasterDrive, which teaches teen and fleet driving classes as well as remedial driver training, moved its operations to the terminal at the former airport. It also will hold its driving classroom sessions and skills training.

Ron Langford, CEO of MasterDrive, founded the company in 1986. MasterDrive employs about a dozen people in Fort Collins and a total of about 150 statewide. The company also has offices in Colorado Springs  and Denver.

In Northern Colorado, MasterDrive…

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