Banking & Finance  March 5, 2015

Longmont-based Terralux raises $11M funding round

LONGMONT — LED-lighting manufacturer Terralux Inc. announced Wednesday that it has raised a new $11 million round of funding led by EnerTech Capital.

The money will be used to bolster continued sales growth and development of the Longmont-based company’s portfolio of LED products and LEDSENSE cloud-based technology.

The new funding follows a $4.5 million round last year and a series of several before that for Terralux, founded in 2003.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Investors Generation Investment Management, Crawley Ventures, Emerald Technology Ventures, GC&H Investments, and Terralux founder and chief technology officer Anthony Catalano also participated in the round.

“Terralux has built elegant solutions that allow building owners to begin retrofitting the enormous base of existing buildings with energy efficient LED technology,” EnerTech managing director Bill Kingsley said in a Terralux release. “The pace, quality and the market acceptance of their new product releases caught our attention.”

LONGMONT — LED-lighting manufacturer Terralux Inc. announced Wednesday that it has raised a new $11 million round of funding led by EnerTech Capital.

The money will be used to bolster continued sales growth and development of the Longmont-based company’s portfolio of LED products and LEDSENSE cloud-based technology.

The new funding follows a $4.5 million round last year and a series of several before that for Terralux, founded in 2003.

Investors Generation Investment Management, Crawley Ventures, Emerald Technology Ventures, GC&H Investments, and Terralux founder and chief technology officer Anthony Catalano also participated in the round.

“Terralux has built elegant solutions that allow building owners to…

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