July 16, 2014

Heska to report 2Q earnings report July 29

LOVELAND – Heska Corp. in Loveland will report its second-quarter financial results Wednesday, July 29.

Executive management will host a conference call and simultaneous webcast.

The live webcast will begin at 9 a.m. and can be accessed at www.heska.com by clicking on the Q2 2014 Earnings Call link found on the home page of the site.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The teleconference can be accessed by calling 888-359-3624 or 719-325-2323 for international callers. The conference call access number is 2053507.

The call will be archived at www.heska.com until Aug. 13. To access the replay, click on the Q2 2014 Earnings Call link on the front page of the website or by calling 888-203-1112 in the United States or 719-457-0820 for international calls. The access number is 2053507.

Heska Corp. (Nasdaq: HSKA) sells veterinary diagnostic and other specialty veterinary products primarily for the dog and cat markets. Products include blood-testing instruments and supplies, digital imaging products, software and services, and single-use products and services such as in-clinic heartworm diagnostic tests, heartworm preventive products, allergy immunotherapy products and allergy testing.

LOVELAND – Heska Corp. in Loveland will report its second-quarter financial results Wednesday, July 29.

Executive management will host a conference call and simultaneous webcast.

The live webcast will begin at 9 a.m. and can be accessed at www.heska.com by clicking on the Q2 2014 Earnings Call link found on the home page of the site.

The teleconference can be accessed by calling 888-359-3624 or 719-325-2323 for international callers. The conference call access number is 2053507.

The call will be archived at www.heska.com until Aug. 13. To access the replay, click on the Q2 2014 Earnings Call link on the front page…

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