Economy & Economic Development  October 8, 2015

Greeley, Estes Park median home prices hit 2015 highs, while Boulder also climbs

The median sales price for homes in Estes Park and the Greeley/Evans markets hit yearly highs in September, according to a report released Thursday by Loveland-based Information Real Estate Services Inc.

Median sales prices increased from August to September in Boulder while they dropped in Fort Collins, Longmont and Loveland/Berthoud markets. The number of homes for sale in September was down throughout the region.

In Estes Park, the median sales price reached its yearly high during September at $387,500 on 30 sales, compared with $369,500 on 28 sales in August. Average number of days on the market in Estes Park during September was 167 days, up from 148 in August.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

In the Greeley/Evans market, the median sales price hit its yearly high at $230,000 on 203 sales, up from $221,500 on 186 sales in August. Average number of days on the market in Greeley/Evans during September 67 days, up from 60 days in August.

Boulder still has the most expensive homes in the region with a median sales price of $762,500 on 44 sales in September. The median price in the previous month was $753,000 on 70 sales. Its high for the year came in March at $850,000 on 61 sales. Average number of days on the market in Boulder during September was 55, down from 61 in August.

In Fort Collins, the median sales price was $315,000 on 285 sales in September compared with $321,500 on 310 sales in August. Its high for the year came in June at $342,250 on 330 sales. Average number of days on the market in Fort Collins during September was 74 days, little change from 73 days in August.

The median sales price in Longmont decreased to $308,000 on 108 sales in September compared with $315,000 on 133 sales in August. Its yearly high of $334,000 came in July on 120 sales. Average number of days on the market in Longmont was 55, up from 48 in August.

The median sales price during September in the Loveland/Berthoud market was $316,614 on 204 sales, down from its yearly high of $325,000 on 217 sales in August. Average number of days on the market in Loveland/Berthoud during September was 70, down from 76 in August.

The median sales price for homes in Estes Park and the Greeley/Evans markets hit yearly highs in September, according to a report released Thursday by Loveland-based Information Real Estate Services Inc.

Median sales prices increased from August to September in Boulder while they dropped in Fort Collins, Longmont and Loveland/Berthoud markets. The number of homes for sale in September was down throughout the region.

In Estes Park, the median sales price reached its yearly high during September at $387,500 on 30 sales, compared with $369,500 on 28 sales in August. Average number of days on the market in Estes Park during September…

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