November 25, 2013

Fort Collins chamber raises $480K

The Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce said Monday it surpassed its fundraising goal by $80,000, raising a total of $480,000.

The chamber set a goal of raising $400,000 in its nearly three-month campaign known as Moving Fort Collins Forward. The annual campaign, which ended Thursday, funds the chamber’s activities.

“People are busy and the economy is still tough, but it’s clear that the business community wants an effective, properly funded chamber of commerce,” chamber CEO David May said in a statement.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The campaign also netted 107 new members, beating the chamber’s goal of 100 new members.

More than 80 volunteers from 13 companies participated in fundraising efforts.

OtterBox and the Coloradoan sponsored the campaign.

The Fort Collins Area Chamber of Commerce said Monday it surpassed its fundraising goal by $80,000, raising a total of $480,000.

The chamber set a goal of raising $400,000 in its nearly three-month campaign known as Moving Fort Collins Forward. The annual campaign, which ended Thursday, funds the chamber’s activities.

“People are busy and the economy is still tough, but it’s clear that the business community wants an effective, properly funded chamber of commerce,” chamber CEO David May said in a statement.

The campaign also netted 107 new members, beating the chamber’s goal of 100 new members.

More than 80 volunteers…

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