Education  February 12, 2014

Dean of CSU business school to step down

FORT COLLINS – Ajay Menon, dean of the CSU College of Business, will step down as dean effective in June 2015 or as soon as a new dean can be recruited.

Menon announced his intention to leave his position and return to teaching at CSU in an email to the College of Business on Jan. 24, according to a release.

CSU President Tony Frank and Provost Rick Miranda accepted the resignation with “deep reluctance,” according to the release.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Menon took over as dean of the college in 2002, and has seen the number of faculty members in the College of Business grow from 55 in fiscal 2001-2002 to 83 in fiscal 2013-2014.

Enrollments in the College of Business also have grown, with a total of 1,546 students in 2013, compared with 294 in 2004.

Menon served as chief innovation officer for Gov. John Hickenlooper’s Colorado Innovation Network initiative for the first two years of the program’s existence, ending in August 2013. Menon remains on the board of advisers for the Colorado Innovation Network, or COIN.

“In addition to the work he wants to do as a faculty member, I intend to keep Ajay fully occupied with high-level special projects on behalf of the university, including continuing to represent the institution with key leadership and constituent groups,” Frank said in the release.

FORT COLLINS – Ajay Menon, dean of the CSU College of Business, will step down as dean effective in June 2015 or as soon as a new dean can be recruited.

Menon announced his intention to leave his position and return to teaching at CSU in an email to the College of Business on Jan. 24, according to a release.

CSU President Tony Frank and Provost Rick Miranda accepted the resignation with “deep reluctance,” according to the release.

Menon took over as dean of the college in 2002, and has seen the number of faculty members in the College of Business grow from…

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