Agribusiness  November 23, 2015

CSU to host 2-day food-energy-water workshop in Va.

FORT COLLINS – Colorado State University next month will host a two-day workshop in Arlington, Va., offering insights and solutions to the global issues of food, energy and water.

The workshop is sponsored by both CSU and the National Science Foundation. It will include expert analysis from around the nation.

The workshop will begin with discussions of issues in two energy sectors: oil and gas production and biofuels production. That will lead into an evaluation of research needs related to sustainable energy production, according to CSU officials.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

CSU speakers participating will include chemical and biological engineering professor Ken Reardon, who is organizing the event, as well as soil ecology professor Keith Paustian and civil and environmental engineering professor Ken Carlson.

“Think about food, energy and water: they are all critical resources for society,” Reardon said in a release from CSU. “You can’t trade one for the other, and they interact. You can’t fix one problem without thinking about how that solution is impacting the others.”

More information on the workshop can be found here.

FORT COLLINS – Colorado State University next month will host a two-day workshop in Arlington, Va., offering insights and solutions to the global issues of food, energy and water.

The workshop is sponsored by both CSU and the National Science Foundation. It will include expert analysis from around the nation.

The workshop will begin with discussions of issues in two energy sectors: oil and gas production and biofuels production. That will lead into an evaluation of research needs related to sustainable energy production, according to CSU officials.

CSU speakers participating will include chemical and biological engineering professor Ken Reardon, who is organizing the…

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