May 16, 2014

Coroner’s office receives permit for new office, morgue

BOULDER – The Boulder County Coroner’s Office has received the building permit needed to construct a new office and morgue in the Flatiron Industrial Park in Boulder.

The one-story steel and concrete 9,275-square-foot building is going up at 5610 Flatiron Parkway south of the Boulder County Sherriff Department’s headquarters.

The project cost is $3.9 million and construction is expected to be completed in nine to 12 months.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

The project incorporates several sustainability features including energy-management controls, low-wattage LED and T8 lighting, R-30 roof insulation, low-flow plumbing fixtures, recycled pain, native drought-tolerant landscaping, and light timers and occupancy sensors.

Coroner Emma Hall said the new building will be one of the cornerstones for her vision of a progressive, forward-looking department.

“This building will serve many generations of Boulder County residents,” she said.

BOULDER – The Boulder County Coroner’s Office has received the building permit needed to construct a new office and morgue in the Flatiron Industrial Park in Boulder.

The one-story steel and concrete 9,275-square-foot building is going up at 5610 Flatiron Parkway south of the Boulder County Sherriff Department’s headquarters.

The project cost is $3.9 million and construction is expected to be completed in nine to 12 months.

The project incorporates several sustainability features including energy-management controls, low-wattage LED and T8 lighting, R-30 roof insulation, low-flow plumbing fixtures, recycled pain, native drought-tolerant landscaping, and light timers and occupancy sensors.

Coroner Emma Hall said the new…

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