Banking & Finance  September 27, 2016

Chase Bank investment arm buys 106 acres in McWhinney development in Broomfield

BROOMFIELD — Loveland-based McWhinney Real Estate Services Inc. has sold 106 acres of its North Park mixed-use development in Broomfield to the real estate arm of JPMorgan Chase Bank for $18.5 million.

JPMorgan Asset Management Global Real Assets, based in Dallas, Texas, acquired the vacant land at 16105 W. 160th St. from McWhinney CCOB Land Investments, registered to Troy McWhinney, the company’s chief investment officer, according to Broomfield County public records.

A McWhinney spokeswoman declined to comment on the sale, and JPMorgan’s global asset group did not return a request for comment.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

North Park is a 935-acre master-planned community North Park that includes homes, apartments, shopping and dining, open space and trails, and a walkable urban-core business district. It is located near Interstate 25, between Colorado Highway 7 and the Northwest Parkway.

JPMorgan Asset Management Global Real Assets partners with institutions and high-net-worth individuals, according to its website. It currently manages or advises more than $17 billion of direct and co-investment transactions globally on behalf of clients, according to its website.

BROOMFIELD — Loveland-based McWhinney Real Estate Services Inc. has sold 106 acres of its North Park mixed-use development in Broomfield to the real estate arm of JPMorgan Chase Bank for $18.5 million.

JPMorgan Asset Management Global Real Assets, based in Dallas, Texas, acquired the vacant land at 16105 W. 160th St. from McWhinney CCOB Land Investments, registered to Troy McWhinney, the company’s chief investment officer, according to Broomfield County public records.

A McWhinney spokeswoman declined to comment on the sale, and JPMorgan’s global asset group did not return a request for comment.

North Park is a 935-acre master-planned community North Park that includes homes,…

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