Energy, Utilities & Water  April 25, 2014

Berthoud firm wins sixth straight EPA honor

BERTHOUD – For the sixth straight year, Berthoud-based EnergyLogic Inc. was honored by the federal Environmental Protection Agency for its contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency,

EnergyLogic on Tuesday again was named an EPA Energy Star Partner of the Year, one of two companies statewide to receive the honor.

Energy Star, established by EPA in 1992, is a voluntary program that helps business and individuals save money and protect climate by promoting energy efficiency.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

EnergyLogic promotes energy efficiency by providing Home Energy Rating System ratings, training people to be energy raters, and selling HERS rating software.

EPA estimates that an energy-efficient home above Energy Star standard may save 15 percent to 30 percent energy compared with a standard home, which equals to about $300 a year on average, according to Steve Byers, chief executive of EnergyLogic. Compared with the additional costs for building an energy-efficient home, Byers said, homeowners generally may see their investment paying back after five years – depending on the homebuilder.

EnergyLogic certified 1,242 Energy Star homes in 2013, Byers said, and has conducted HERS ratings on more than 20,000 homes in Colorado since its beginning in 2006. That’s equivalent to eliminating the emissions from 442 vehicles, reducing the burning from 2,254,230 pounds of coal, and planting 1,738 acres of trees. It also is equivalent to saving a total of $372,600 on homeowners’ utility bills.

BERTHOUD – For the sixth straight year, Berthoud-based EnergyLogic Inc. was honored by the federal Environmental Protection Agency for its contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through energy efficiency,

EnergyLogic on Tuesday again was named an EPA Energy Star Partner of the Year, one of two companies statewide to receive the honor.

Energy Star, established by EPA in 1992, is a voluntary program that helps business and individuals save money and protect climate by promoting energy efficiency.

EnergyLogic promotes energy efficiency by providing Home Energy Rating System ratings, training people to be energy raters, and selling HERS rating software.

EPA estimates that an energy-efficient…

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