December 3, 2013

Ag conference slated for Dec. 11-12

LOVELAND – An array of agribusiness experts will speak at the ninth annual Colorado Ag Classic this month.

The conference is expected to gather hundreds of farmers and agriculture leaders from around the state at the Embassy Suites in Loveland. It begins the afternoon of Dec. 11 with a legislative town hall where attendees can discuss political issues with lawmakers. Sessions on use of pesticide are held later, followed by a dinner and fundraising auction to fund industry lobbying efforts.

Morning sessions on Dec. 12 include a workers’ compensation safety seminar as well as a session on grain marketing. Presentations from speakers such as Jay Lehr from The Heartland Institute in Chicago also will be given that day. Fred Below, professor of crop physiology at the University of Illinois, will speak about improving corn yields. Meteorologist Brian Bledsoe will forecast next year’s weather.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

A trade show also will take place during which agribusiness representatives from around the state will answer questions about their products.

The event is presented by the Colorado Corn Growers Association, Colorado Association of Wheat Growers, Colorado Sunflower Administrative Committee and Colorado Seed Growers Association. For more information, visit or call 970-449-6994.

LOVELAND – An array of agribusiness experts will speak at the ninth annual Colorado Ag Classic this month.

The conference is expected to gather hundreds of farmers and agriculture leaders from around the state at the Embassy Suites in Loveland. It begins the afternoon of Dec. 11 with a legislative town hall where attendees can discuss political issues with lawmakers. Sessions on use of pesticide are held later, followed by a dinner and fundraising auction to fund industry lobbying efforts.

Morning sessions on Dec. 12 include a workers’ compensation safety seminar as well as a session on grain marketing. Presentations…

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