October 5, 2012

23 homes may rise near Mount Sanitas

BOULDER – A 23-home development could soon be coming to the former home of the Boulder Junior Academy at the foot of Mount Sanitas.

Moonbeam Boulder LLC, a Boulder-based company, is planning the development of single-family detached homes for the 5.84 acre parcel at 2641 Fourth St. Moonbeam Boulder purchased the lot for $4.6 million in October 2011.

The development, which Moonbeam Boulder has named the Trailhead, is in the area where the historic Mapleton and Newlands neighborhoods meet the open space around the city of Boulder’s borders. The Mount Sanitas trailhead is on the property.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

For several decades, the property was the home of the Boulder Junior Academy, a school run by Seventh-day Adventists. The school building was demolished in 2008 after being sold in 2003 and 2006. Since its sale, several plans have been proposed for the site, including proposals to build homes or a senior living community. An area plan for the site was approved by the city in 2009.

Moonbeam Boulder’s plan has been through the concept review stage and is scheduled to come before the Boulder Planning Board Nov. 1. The architect is Surround Architecture Inc., a Boulder-based firm.

Representatives of Moonbeam Boulder could not be reached Friday morning.

BOULDER – A 23-home development could soon be coming to the former home of the Boulder Junior Academy at the foot of Mount Sanitas.

Moonbeam Boulder LLC, a Boulder-based company, is planning the development of single-family detached homes for the 5.84 acre parcel at 2641 Fourth St. Moonbeam Boulder purchased the lot for $4.6 million in October 2011.

The development, which Moonbeam Boulder has named the Trailhead, is in the area where the historic Mapleton and Newlands neighborhoods meet the open space around the city of Boulder’s borders. The Mount Sanitas trailhead is on the property.

For several decades, the property was…

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