October 24, 2017

Denver startup with national attention vacates building, shuts down

DENVER — Revolar, the startup that has gained national attention for its wearable panic buttons, has shut down.

The startup closed late last month and laid off 25 employees and has already moved out of its 8,000 square foot space at 800 Grant St. in Capitol Hill, Business Den reports.

Since 2013, Revolar raised $6 million, raising $1 million as recently as June.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Revolar features a stylish keychain-sized button that, when pressed, will alert the person’s family and friends know a person is in danger via phone notification. It was featured in several national publications, including TechCrunch and Forbes. The product is still available on stores like Target and Amazon for between $40 to $80.

Co-founder and CEO Jaqueline Ros, who was inspired to make the product after her sister was assaulted, stepped down as CEO this summer. Former OtterBox CEO Brian Thomas took over the post. His LinkedIn now lists him as a consultant in Fort Collins.

DENVER — Revolar, the startup that has gained national attention for its wearable panic buttons, has shut down.

The startup closed late last month and laid off 25 employees and has already moved out of its 8,000 square foot space at 800 Grant St. in Capitol Hill, Business Den reports.

Since 2013, Revolar raised $6 million, raising $1 million as recently as June.

Revolar features a stylish keychain-sized button that, when pressed, will alert the person’s family and friends know a person is in danger via phone notification. It was featured in several national publications, including TechCrunch and Forbes. The product is still available…

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