Economy & Economic Development  October 18, 2017

Metro Denver EDC submits proposal for Amazon HQ2

DENVER — The Metro Denver Economic Development Corp. on Wednesday said it has submitted Colorado’s proposal for Amazon’s second North American headquarters.

The state provided a single proposal representing multiple communities, sites and regional assets that showcase the state’s competitiveness to support Amazon HQ2, the organization said in a prepared statement. The proposal was submitted in advance of the Thursday, Oct. 19, deadline.

Sam Bailey, vice president of economic development for the Metro EDC, said eight communities were included, but the Metro Denver EDC is not disclosing the final sites “in order to protect Amazon’s ability to evaluate the sites and communities for consideration for Amazon HQ2. Ultimately, Amazon will make the choice whether or not to pursue proposed locations in Colorado.”


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Amazon has said that Amazon HQ2 will match its headquarters in Seattle that has 33 buildings, 8.1 million square feet of space, 40,000 employees and 24 restaurants and cafes. The company said it plans to invest more than $5 billion in the construction and operation of Amazon HQ2.

Amazon is building a 1 million-square-foot fulfillment center in Aurora near its 452,200-square foot sortation center there, and it is building a three-story, 2.4 million-square-foot fulfillment center in Thornton.

J.J. Ament, CEO of the Metro Denver EDC, said the proposal provides Amazon an opportunity to invest in a community that boasts a talented workforce, unrivaled quality of life and the creativity to invest in the future. “We believe our regional collaboration represented in this proposal shows Amazon that we work together in this community to attract major opportunities and thought leadership that expands our ecosystem.”


DENVER — The Metro Denver Economic Development Corp. on Wednesday said it has submitted Colorado’s proposal for Amazon’s second North American headquarters.

The state provided a single proposal representing multiple communities, sites and regional assets that showcase the state’s competitiveness to support Amazon HQ2, the organization said in a prepared statement. The proposal was submitted in advance of the Thursday, Oct. 19, deadline.

Sam Bailey, vice president of economic development for the Metro EDC, said eight communities were included, but the Metro Denver EDC is not disclosing the final sites “in order to protect Amazon’s ability…

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