Economy & Economic Development  August 29, 2017

Longmont distillery gets $22,500 in grants for converting space to retail

LONGMONT — Longtucky Spirits, a Longmont distillery, was awarded combined grants of $22,500 to convert its formerly non-retail space in Downtown Longmont.

The grants are a joint effort between the Longmont Economic Development Partnership, City of Longmont and Longmont Downtown Development Authority. The Retail Conversion Grants are designed to help new retail businesses convert former non-retail space downtown, according to a news release.

Longtucky opened its doors on June 23 in the former Times-Call building at 350 Terry Street. The distillery has already released three spirits and plans to release two more in the upcoming months. The distillery and lounge occupy 4,500 square feet and can seat 70 people in handmade chairs built by Longtucky founders John Young and H.K Wallace.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.


LONGMONT — Longtucky Spirits, a Longmont distillery, was awarded combined grants of $22,500 to convert its formerly non-retail space in Downtown Longmont.

The grants are a joint effort between the Longmont Economic Development Partnership, City of Longmont and Longmont Downtown Development Authority. The Retail Conversion Grants are designed to help new retail businesses convert former non-retail space downtown, according to a news release.

Longtucky opened its doors on June 23 in the former Times-Call building at 350 Terry Street. The distillery has already released three spirits and plans to release two more in the upcoming months. The distillery and lounge occupy 4,500…

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