July 27, 2017

Vail Resorts seeks to eliminate environmental impact

BROOMFIELD — Vail Resorts Inc. (NYSE: MTN) has announced an ambitious plan to reduce the environmental impact of its operations to zero by 2030.

The Denver Post reports that Vail plans to “eliminate emissions, deliver zero waste to landfills and offset its overall impact to forests and habitat in the next 13 years.”

Announcement of the initiative — dubbed “Epic Promise for a Zero Footprint” — came at a Vail Resorts employee meeting July 25.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

BROOMFIELD — Vail Resorts Inc. (NYSE: MTN) has announced an ambitious plan to reduce the environmental impact of its operations to zero by 2030.

The Denver Post reports that Vail plans to “eliminate emissions, deliver zero waste to landfills and offset its overall impact to forests and habitat in the next 13 years.”

Announcement of the initiative — dubbed “Epic Promise for a Zero Footprint” — came at a Vail Resorts employee meeting July 25.

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