Hospitality & Tourism  June 20, 2017

Lodgers along U.S. 36 corridor post region’s highest occupancy rate

Lodging facilities along the U.S. Highway 36 corridor between Boulder and Denver recorded an 83.8 percent occupancy rate during May, the best rate among cities and areas in the Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado tracked by the Colorado Hotel and Lodging Association.

The association’s monthly Rocky Mountain Lodging Report, released Tuesday, revealed May occupancy rates of 81 percent in Greeley, 79 percent in Loveland, 77 percent in Boulder, 69 percent in Longmont, 68 percent in Fort Collins and 50 percent in Estes Park.

Lodgers in Greeley had the lowest average daily room rate per day in May at $102, followed by Loveland, $127; Fort Collins, $130; Longmont and the U.S. Highway 36 corridor, $131; Estes Park, $178; and Boulder, $190.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Statewide, lodgers posted an occupancy rate for May of 72 percent and an average room rate of $140.



Lodging facilities along the U.S. Highway 36 corridor between Boulder and Denver recorded an 83.8 percent occupancy rate during May, the best rate among cities and areas in the Boulder Valley and Northern Colorado tracked by the Colorado Hotel and Lodging Association.

The association’s monthly Rocky Mountain Lodging Report, released Tuesday, revealed May occupancy rates of 81 percent in Greeley, 79 percent in Loveland, 77 percent in Boulder, 69 percent in Longmont, 68 percent in Fort Collins and 50 percent in Estes Park.

Lodgers in Greeley had the lowest average daily room rate per day in…

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