Hospitality & Tourism  February 28, 2017

Boulder Cork’s owner buys restaurant building, land

BOULDER — Alan Teran, owner of the Boulder Cork restaurant since 1981, has acquired the building occupied by the restaurant from his landlord.

The building that houses the Boulder Cork at 3295 30th St. in Boulder, has been acquired by the restaurant’s owner for $2.2 million. BizWest/Christopher Wood.

Teran, using the entity Boulder Steak LLC, paid $2.2 million to the Ava Evans Trust for the brick building at 3295 30th St., according to public records.

The restaurant has 6,775 square feet, and the land it’s on covers 41,129 square feet. The building was constructed in 1969.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Teran did not return calls requesting comment on the acquisition.


BOULDER — Alan Teran, owner of the Boulder Cork restaurant since 1981, has acquired the building occupied by the restaurant from his landlord.

The building that houses the Boulder Cork at 3295 30th St. in Boulder, has been acquired by the restaurant’s owner for $2.2 million. BizWest/Christopher Wood.

Teran, using the entity Boulder Steak LLC, paid $2.2 million to the Ava Evans Trust for the brick building at 3295 30th St., according to public records.

The restaurant has 6,775 square feet, and the land it’s…

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