Entrepreneurs / Small Business  February 2, 2017

Boulder-based seafood meal-kit company closes $3M funding round

BOULDER — LoveTheWild, a Boulder-based maker of frozen seafood meal kits, announced Wednesday that it has closed a $3 million Series A round investment that was led by Netherlands-based Aqua-Spark’s $2.5 million investment.

LoveTheWild also announced Wednesday that its co-founder and chief executive, Jacqueline Claudia, has been added to the board of directors of the National Fisheries Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to education about seafood safety, sustainability and nutrition.

Aqua-Spark will work closely with LoveTheWild to strengthen the criteria and systems through which the brand selects and monitors fish farms so it buys the most sustainable seafood possible.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“Responsible aquaculture has the potential to fight some of the most serious challenges we face as a planet, which is heavily guided by consumer perceptions about seafood,” Claudia said. “Our goal isn’t just to offer sustainable seafood, but to make it the most exciting and in-demand consumer protein.”

LoveTheWild plans to expand to more than 6,000 stores nationwide during the next five years. Products now are being sold Whole Foods Markets, Wegmans, Sprouts and Mom’s.

Aqua-Spark’s investment allows LoveTheWild to transition to selling 100 percent farm-raised seafood. The company expects to offer solely farm-raised options by the end of February. It will buy from farms that prioritize the health of the fish, preserve the environment and don’t use antibiotics or chemicals.

Claudia co-founded LoveTheWild with Christy Brouker in 2014. The company is producing seafood kits that pair fish filets with sauces that complement each species’ taste and texture. LoveTheWild is currently available in four varieties: Barramundi with Mango Sriracha Chutney, Catfish with Cajun Creme, Rainbow Trout with Salsa Verde, and Striped Bass with Roasted Pepper Almond Sauce.

BOULDER — LoveTheWild, a Boulder-based maker of frozen seafood meal kits, announced Wednesday that it has closed a $3 million Series A round investment that was led by Netherlands-based Aqua-Spark’s $2.5 million investment.

LoveTheWild also announced Wednesday that its co-founder and chief executive, Jacqueline Claudia, has been added to the board of directors of the National Fisheries Institute, a nonprofit dedicated to education about seafood safety, sustainability and nutrition.

Aqua-Spark will work closely with LoveTheWild to strengthen the criteria and systems through which the brand selects and monitors fish farms so it buys the most sustainable…

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