Banking & Finance  January 11, 2017

Financial firm invests in Fort Collins-based BillGo Inc.

BillGo Inc.’s bill-paying app lets users connect, pay and manage any bill, and notify them to upcoming bill payments. Courtesy BillGo Inc.

FORT COLLINS — A West Virginia-based financial holding company has made an investment in Fort Collins-based BillGo Inc., and its bill-paying app by the same name.

The amount of the investment was not disclosed.

MVB Financial Corp.’s chief executive and president, Larry F. Mazza, has joined BillGo’s board of directors. The corporation (OTCQB: MVBF) is the parent company of West Virginia-based MVB Bank Inc.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“MVB’s investment in BillGo creates a business relationship with valuable benefits for us, as well as our clients,” Dan Holt, co-founder and CEO of BillGo, said in a prepared statement. “Having Larry Mazza join our board of directors brings BillGo strong expertise in the banking, accounting and management arenas.”

BillGO’s app lets users connect, pay and manage any bill – including rent. It notifies users to upcoming bill payments, eliminating late fees and the headaches that accompany them.

“More than 50 percent of Americans have paid a bill late and forgetfulness is the top-cited reason,” Holt said. “BillGo provides customers a complete picture of all their bills, along with alerts informing them of upcoming bills. … You can even split your bills.”

The app is free by by paying bills using a bank account and major bank debit cards, but there is a fee of 2.9 percent of the bill payed if you use a nonmajor bank’s debit or credit card, the company said in a post on Google Play.

The app, which works on Androids and iPhones, is available in the App Store and on Google Play.


BillGo Inc.’s bill-paying app lets users connect, pay and manage any bill, and notify them to upcoming bill payments. Courtesy BillGo Inc.

FORT COLLINS — A West Virginia-based financial holding company has made an investment in Fort Collins-based BillGo Inc., and its bill-paying app by the same name.

The amount of the investment was not disclosed.

MVB Financial Corp.’s chief executive and president, Larry F. Mazza, has joined BillGo’s board of directors. The corporation (OTCQB: MVBF) is the parent company of West Virginia-based MVB Bank…

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