Arts & Entertainment  July 15, 2016

Boulder awards $450,000 in grants to arts organizations

BOULDER — The city of Boulder Arts Commission has distributed nearly $450,000 to artists and community organizations for 2016.

“These grants provide valuable funding to our community’s arts and cultural organizations as well as individual artists, to enable a vibrant and rich cultural landscape in our city,” said Matt Chasansky, manager of the city’s Office of Arts & Culture.

Artists and organizations were selected by the commission, a group of volunteers appointed by Boulder’s city council. The money comes from the city’s general fund. Last year, $225,000 was distributed, and Chasansky said the city’s plan is to up the annual budget to $1 million in the future.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Recipients of the grants are:

The Dairy Arts Center, $50,000 per year for three years.

Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art, $50,000/year for three years.

eTown, $50,000/year for three years.

Parlando School for the Arts, $50,000/year for three years.

KGNU, $20,000/year for three years.

Colorado Film Society, $20,000/year for three years.

Frequent Flyers Productions, $20,000/year for three years.

Open Arts, $20,000/year for three years.

Boulder Chorale, $10,000/year for three years.

Boulder International Fringe Festival, $10,000/year for three years.

Motus Theater, $10,000/year for three years.

Boulder Opera, $10,000/year for three years.

Colorado Hip Hop Collective, $10,000/year for three years.

NoBo Art District, $10,000/year for three years.

LOCAL Theater Company, $10,000/year for three years.

The Boulder Chamber Orchestra, $10,000/year for three years.

The Catamounts, NFP, $10,000/year for three years.

Band of Toughs, $10,000/year for three years.

JLF Boulder, Jaipur Literature Festival @ Boulder, $10,000.

Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra, Music for Everyone: from the Outdoors to Macky, $10,000.

Boulder Samba School, 2016 Colorado Brazil Fest: Brazil Comes to Boulder, $5,000.

Bridge House, 2016 Community art Show, $5,000.

BMoCA, ARTlab, $3,000.

Jan Osburn, Classroom Curriculum Through a Drama Lens, $3,000.

Parlando Inc., BVSD On-Site Music Lessons, $3,000.

Colorado Shakespeare Festival, Shakespeare and Violence Prevention, $3,000.

Boulder Ensemble Theatre Company, Tech Tuesdays Event Series, $5,000.

Square Product Theatre, Season on a Theme: Power & Privilege, $7,000.

In addition, nine professional development scholarships were awarded, and three organizations were granted free rent at Macky Auditorium for three programs.

BOULDER — The city of Boulder Arts Commission has distributed nearly $450,000 to artists and community organizations for 2016.

“These grants provide valuable funding to our community’s arts and cultural organizations as well as individual artists, to enable a vibrant and rich cultural landscape in our city,” said Matt Chasansky, manager of the city’s Office of Arts & Culture.

Artists and organizations were selected by the commission, a group of volunteers appointed by Boulder’s city council. The money comes from the city’s general fund. Last year, $225,000 was distributed, and Chasansky said the city’s plan is to up the annual budget to…

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