Arts & Entertainment  February 17, 2014

New Belgium to distribute in second Canadian province

New Belgium Brewing Company will begin distribution in Alberta, Canada on Feb. 24.. This marks the second Canadian province where New Belgium will be sold, with British Columbia being the first as of Sept. 2013.

Fat Tire and Ranger IPA will be the flagship beers offered, with several Lips of Faith options following 90 days later. According to a release, New Belgium has a signed agreement with Horizon Beers to serve as the company’s distribution partner.

“British Columbia was our first market outside the U.S., and we’ve obviously learned a lot about beer sales in Canada since rolling out there,” Rich Rush, Regional Sales Director with New Belgium Brewing said in a statement. “There are some great emerging craft beer markets in Alberta, and we’re excited to be introducing our brews to the craft beer enthusiasts there.”


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

New Belgium is currently in 36 U.S. states and will begin distributing in Mississippi March 3. It is also looking to open in Kentucky and Hawaii later this year.

New Belgium Brewing Company will begin distribution in Alberta, Canada on Feb. 24.. This marks the second Canadian province where New Belgium will be sold, with British Columbia being the first as of Sept. 2013.

Fat Tire and Ranger IPA will be the flagship beers offered, with several Lips of Faith options following 90 days later. According to a release, New Belgium has a signed agreement with Horizon Beers to serve as the company’s distribution partner.

“British Columbia was our first market outside the U.S., and we’ve obviously learned a lot about beer sales in Canada since rolling out there,”…

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