Real Estate & Construction  August 5, 2009

Odell, SAFEBuilt among Best to Work For in Colorado

DENVER – Two Northern Colorado companies made the 2009 list of Best Companies to Work for in Colorado by Colorado Biz magazine.

Odell Brewing Co. of Fort Collins ranked ninth and SAFEBuilt of Loveland came in at 14th among small companies with 25 to 99 employees in the magazine’s August issue. Both companies were new to the annual list.

Among the things that make Odell a special workplace, according to the magazine, are classes conducted for co-workers at “Odell U;” a weekly beer allotment; and a five-part class for all new employees conducted by Founder and CEO Wynne Odel.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

SAFEBuilt, which provides third-party building department services to government entities, stands out for its family-oriented newsletter; company credit cards, cellphones for business use, cars that employees can drive home and a $100 logo clothing allowance at Land’s End e-store.

Incidentally, both Odell and SAFEBuilt were honored in March by the Northern Colorado Business Report with Bravo! Entrepreneur Awards for 2008.

DENVER – Two Northern Colorado companies made the 2009 list of Best Companies to Work for in Colorado by Colorado Biz magazine.

Odell Brewing Co. of Fort Collins ranked ninth and SAFEBuilt of Loveland came in at 14th among small companies with 25 to 99 employees in the magazine’s August issue. Both companies were new to the annual list.

Among the things that make Odell a special workplace, according to the magazine, are classes conducted for co-workers at “Odell U;” a weekly beer allotment; and a five-part class for all new employees conducted by Founder and CEO Wynne Odel.

SAFEBuilt, which provides third-party…

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