Entrepreneurs / Small Business  March 10, 2008

Arizona counties replace mainframes with Colorado CustomWare

FORT COLLINS — Colorado CustomWare Inc. will provide its software solutions to a collaboration of five Arizona counties.

The counties of Navajo, Apache, Santa Cruz, Gila and Greenlee pooled their resources to acquire access to CCI’s computer-aided mass appraisal, GIS and field appraisal solutions. By purchasing all the software at once, the counties were able to leverage the amount spent on project management and training.

Because CCI has already worked with Arizona counties, the software tools needed no additional customization to meet state regulations. The new solutions replace a 10-year-old mainframe program.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

Founded in 1989, Colorado CustomWare employs more than 60 in Fort Collins.

FORT COLLINS — Colorado CustomWare Inc. will provide its software solutions to a collaboration of five Arizona counties.

The counties of Navajo, Apache, Santa Cruz, Gila and Greenlee pooled their resources to acquire access to CCI’s computer-aided mass appraisal, GIS and field appraisal solutions. By purchasing all the software at once, the counties were able to leverage the amount spent on project management and training.

Because CCI has already worked with Arizona counties, the software tools needed no additional customization to meet state regulations. The new solutions replace a 10-year-old mainframe program.

Founded in 1989, Colorado CustomWare employs more than 60 in Fort…

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