August 11, 2000

Arete Outdoors launches Web site for sports, adventure enthusiasts

BOULDER — Arete Outdoors, a subsidiary of Boulder-based direct marketing company Arete Industries Inc., is now online at

The site, pegged as an outdoor sports and adventure realm, launched July 28. Users will form a community around the site to exchange war stories and tips about gravity-based adrenaline sports and outdoor adventures, the company said. A classified section is present for buying and selling gear and meeting people.

Arete also will sell its own, as well as other companies’, outdoor products online through the site. All products will be reviewed and recommended by industry professionals, athletes and professional guides, company officials said.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“For those who really want an ultimate experience, like sea kayaking in Alaska, trekking through Incan ruins in Peru or mountain biking in Costa Rica, they can click on the ‘adventure’ button and go to one or more of our network of hand-picked adventure guides and outfitters,´ said Mike Lowe, president of Arete Outdoors, in the statement.

Alpinist and climber Pete Takeda is chief editor and content manager of the site.

BOULDER — Arete Outdoors, a subsidiary of Boulder-based direct marketing company Arete Industries Inc., is now online at

The site, pegged as an outdoor sports and adventure realm, launched July 28. Users will form a community around the site to exchange war stories and tips about gravity-based adrenaline sports and outdoor adventures, the company said. A classified section is present for buying and selling gear and meeting people.

Arete also will sell its own, as well as other companies’, outdoor products online through the site. All products will be reviewed and recommended by industry professionals, athletes and professional guides,…

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