October 17, 2013

104-room Marriott planned for Centerra

LOVELAND – A fourth hotel will be developed at Loveland’s Centerra development, according to a release from McWhinney, developer of Centerra.

The hotel will be a 104-room Courtyard by Marriott to be located on the east side of Centerra, at the northeast corner of Interstate 25 and Highway 34.

The hotel is planned to open in early 2015.
Three other hotels, Residence Inn, Fairfield Inn & Suites and Hampton Inn, are already in place at Centerra. McWhinney worked with Englewood-based Stonebridge Cos. to bring the Marriott to Centerra.


Business Cares: April 2024

In Colorado, 1 in 3 women, 1 in 3 men and 1 in 2 transgender individuals will experience an attempted or completed sexual assault in their lifetime. During April, we recognize Sexual Assault Awareness Month with the hopes of increasing conversations about this very important issue.

“Loveland serves as an ideal travel destination and our hotel partner continues to play an important role in supporting the growth and exposure of our local community through a city-wide lodging and regional marketing program,” Jay Hardy, McWhinney vice president and general manager of Centerra said in a statement.

LOVELAND – A fourth hotel will be developed at Loveland’s Centerra development, according to a release from McWhinney, developer of Centerra.

The hotel will be a 104-room Courtyard by Marriott to be located on the east side of Centerra, at the northeast corner of Interstate 25 and Highway 34.

The hotel is planned to open in early 2015.
Three other hotels, Residence Inn, Fairfield Inn & Suites and Hampton Inn, are already in place at Centerra. McWhinney worked with Englewood-based Stonebridge Cos. to bring the Marriott to Centerra.

“Loveland serves as an ideal travel destination and our hotel partner continues to play…

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